Fullerton Junior All American Bears

The Fullerton Junior All American Bears are members of the Orange County Junior All American Football Conference (OCJAAF). Comprised of twenty-nine (29) chapter (city) members throughout the Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside counties, OCJAAF is the largest youth football and cheerleading organization in the nation. The Fullerton Junior All American Bears are honored to contribute to OCJAAF's diversity, which makes the Orange County Junior All American Football Conference number one in competition. The Fullerton Junior All American Bears are proud to sponsor OCJAAF's core values of "family" and of "community" - the standards that keep OCJAAF and the Fullerton Junior All American Bears a leading youth football and cheerleading organization. Families come in many combinations and we celebrate the word of "family" as meaning: team, the Fullerton Junior All American Bears, community and the OCJAAF Conference. There is nothing stronger than the spirit in the word of family and you will see it and feel it within the Fullerton Junior All American Bears organization and our OCJAAF Conference.

The objective of the Fullerton Junior All American Bears program is to inspire youth, regardless of race, color, creed, or national origin; to practice the ideals of health, citizenship and character; to bring our youth closer together through the means of a common interest in sportsmanship, fair play and fellowship; to impart to the game elements of safety, sanity and intelligent supervision; and to keep the welfare of the player and/or cheerleader first, foremost and entirely free of adult lust for glory.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

There Is No Honor Among Thieves II

Courtesy of the Orange County Register:

Embattled Pop Warner official honored
The Orange County Register

An Orange County Pop Warner official is being honored as the national organization's Southwest Regional Volunteer of the Year while facing a charge that he stole $24,000 from the organization.

Robert T. Espinoza is supposed to go to Orlando to be honored May 26. The trip is on unless he pleads guilty when he goes to court May 19, said Steven Sherman, president of Pop Warner's Orange Empire Conference.

Authorities say the theft occurred in 2002, when Espinoza was president of the Fullerton league. The criminal charge was filed in 2004.

Espinoza contends he used his own money for league expenses and then reimbursed himself, said Mark Bruce, an Orange County deputy public defender.

The conference oversees 26 football leagues. Espinoza, 45, is a deputy commissioner.

Conference officials voted Wednesday to spend $2,000 for Espinoza's trip to Florida to receive the honor.

"I think it's a joke that he's allowed to continue to serve after we made them aware that he is a thief," said Robert Renfro, a former Fullerton league official and vocal critic of Espinoza's.

Orange County Deputy District Attorney George Turner said Espinoza will be given one more chance to plea bargain next week, or face a trial beginning June 5.

"There are a lot of people who want him off the board and a lot who want him to stay," Sherman said. "I'd say more want him to stay."

He said Espinoza was named volunteer of the year because of his hard work and long hours on behalf of the organization. The region covers five states.

Sherman said Espinoza now works setting schedules for the leagues and enforcing rules for coaches.

Contact the writer: jmcdonald@ocregister.com


The sheer volume of irony with this story, this thief, and this Pop Warner league and its governing conference is head scratchingly amazing.

It reminds me of a story about a poacher who died. He killed elephants for their tusks. One night this guy decided to break into a wildlife refuge's animal hospital area to kill the sick elephant that had been brought in the day before figuring that it would be an easy way to get a chunk of change. The elephant's problem was apparently constipation, and the medicine they gave the old fellow decided to take effect about this time. The poacher was trying to sneak up behind the elephant, trying to get close enough to pop it with a tranquilizer without making too much noise. As he got just behind the elephant, out gushed about two weeks worth of... well... crap.

The poacher was completely buried and smothered to death.

Nigeria and China both sentence thieves to death. It's it ironic that in the land of Pop Warner, thieves are honored. Proving once again, there is no honor among thieves.

Sadly, Fullerton Pop Warner continues their association with this thief as their current Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/group.php?gid=318557014442
clearly indicates Bob Espinoza as the organization's "friend."

With "friends" like these, who needs enemies?